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Submit an Abstract/Paper/Panel

Submit an Abstract/Paper/Panel Proposal


Submission Link

Submissions must adhere to the instructions below. 

Abstracts and Papers: 

Title page should include: manuscript title, author(s) name, title, institution, address, telephone number, e-mail address, acknowledgment, and financial disclosure, if applicable.

  • Cover page: Author(s) name, title, institution, address, telephone number, e-mail address, acknowledgment if applicable.

  • Identify who is the corresponding author.

  • First Page: Title page should only include the manuscript title (centered), it should not include any personally identifiable information

  • The entire paper (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE document created in MS Word format.

  • Use Times New Roman 12-point font, single spaced, and 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around single column, justified (aligned text left and right). Do not insert page numbers. 

  • Figures, tables and charts should be placed in the body of the paper, not at the end.

  • Papers should not exceed 16 pages single-spaced including tables, appendices and references.

  • Please use end-notes instead of footnotes


File name format:

When submitting your paper, follow these formats for file name. Use the last names of all authors in the order they appear in the paper separated by underline_ 

  • File name example for completed paper:

       Smith_Rodrigues GBRS 2023.doc

  • If you are submitting a draft, insert drf into the file name

       Smith_Rodrigues GBRS 2023 drf.doc

  • If you are submitting an abstract  insert abs into the file name

       Smith_Rodrigues GBRS 2023 abs.doc



  • At least one author must be in attendance and available to present accepted papers in Valencia. Please indicate the presenter if there is more than one author.



Please note that all panel proposals must include the names and CVs of at least 3 participants. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Dr. Michael Tasto at

Note: Submissions that do not follow these instructions will not be accepted.


Any submission/format related issues?

Please get in touch with:

Ivan Abel Ph.D.

Department of Marketing

Peter J. Tobin College of Business

St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY 11439 USA

Tel. (718) 990-7378

Important Dates:

March 31, 2023: Submit a detailed abstract or panel proposal.

May 1, 2023: Submit a full paper. ALL PAPERS WILL BE BLIND REVIEWED.

May 1, 2023: Register and pay fees for conference.

Submission Link

Note: At least one author must be in attendance and available to present accepted papers on June 28 - June 30, 2023.

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